Welcome to Up Country Pool Center!
40+ Years of Gold Country Pool Management!

Our Store...
Making pool time relaxing and fun since 1980
Dedicated to cool pools and HOT spas, we serve Amador and Calaveras county owners and aficionados poolside with a unique willingness and commitment to keep your waters popular!
100 N. Hwy 49 in Jackson.
Call us! (209) 223-1888
Parts and Accessories
Toys and Paraphernalia
Pools and Spas
Excellent Service

pool supplies
And Such...
Keeping your pool and spa experience inviting and healthy means knowing our stuff... and yours!
Featuring products and parts for every imaginable need:
Well-known brands
Biogard, Dolphin, Fluidra/jandy, Hasa, Hayward, Maytronics, Natural Chemistry, Pentair, Polaris, Sta-rite, and more!​
New and innovative manufacturers.
Large items: heaters, covers, portable spas.
Small items: hoses, fittings, valves, etc,
And the list goes on!